Peerfly Conversion Tracking with Postback URL

Tracking your Peerfly affiliate conversions with third party software like Shorty is easy, thanks to their postback URL & postback testing features.

There are only  a few simple steps involved, and once you set it up as a global setting, you never have to fiddle around with conversion tracking for the individual offers you promote.

Step 1: Turn on Peerfly Affiliate SubID Tracking

In Shorty, add a Peerfly offer as a tracking link, and turn on the Affiliate SubID Tracking feature. Select s1 as the format, and you can also refer to the chart to see which format you should be using for Peerfly and other affiliate networks.

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Repeat this for every Peerfly affiliate link you track with Shorty. Peerfly allows you to pass two more SubIDs as s2 and s3 as well, but you only need s1.

Step 2: Configure Your Global Postback URL

In Shorty, click on Tools and you will see the global postback builder tool. Select Peerfly from the list of networks, and choose the goal type. Shorty will automatically generate the postback URL for you – there is no need to build the URL manually with tokens!

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Your postback URL for Peerfly would look something like this:

Next, login to Peerfly and click on Global Postback. Just paste the postback URL given by Shorty into the field and hit Submit.

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NOTE: Peerfly will only return the offer ID, commission, and the unique CTID (Click Tracking ID) passed by Shorty when you enable Affiliate Tracking as explained in Step 1.

Peerfly does not return the name of the offer. So you have to get the offer ID from your conversion reports and find them in Peerfly to see which offer converted. In Shorty, you can edit the conversion name to make it more meaningful.

Step 3: Test Your Peerfly Postback Implementation

In Peerfly, go to an offer you are promoting and click on Conversion Test as shown below. Screen Shot 2016-04-27 at 12.37.34 PM

(If you don’t want to setup the Shorty postback as the global postback, you can also click on Setup Postback here to setup individual postback URL for the selected offer. However, we recommend putting Shorty as the global postback.)

In the Conversion Testing Wizard, enter your cloaked affiliate link from Shorty (not the naked Peerfly affiliate link) from Step 1.

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Click Submit and Peerfly will fire the cloaked affiliate link first, then capture the unique s1 value passed by Shorty automatically with each click.

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You should see a message that says “A test conversion has been fired” and in your Peerfly dashboard you should see two transactions.
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The first is the actual test transaction, the second is the negative transaction to cancel out the test so it will not be recorded as actual commission payable.

Check your Shorty dashboard after 5-10 minutes, and you should see the conversion recorded automatically by Peerfly’s postback URL test.

A few things to keep note of:

  1. Test the correct cloaked URL with the correct offer in Peerfly, or it wont work.
  2. If you don’t see any conversion recorded in Shorty, check your cloaked link and follow Step 1 to enable the passing of our unique Click Tracking ID in the correct s1 format required by Peerfly
  3. The negative transaction is not sent by Peerfly, so it will not be recorded.

Well that’s it! Unlike conversion tracking with JVZoo TID or Shareasale “afftrack” SubID, you do not need to manually upload your affiliate commissions when you use Peerfly. I really wished more networks implement the same global postback URL tool Peerfly has.

As an affiliate, anything that helps you track better with less effort is great news 🙂

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